The last couple of days have been crazy busy. Thursday, we went to dinner for Justin's birthday and I DID NOT forget to put batteries in my camera to take pics.
On Friday, I DID NOT throw the kids outside so that I could have a little peace and quiet to get organized for our crazy Saturday.
On Sat, we most definitely DID NOT take the kids to the horse races and let them bet on every race. We DID NOT have the most fun that the 4 of us have had in a very long time. No arguing or whining or bad attitudes. We DID NOT start our kids, especially Riley, early on the whole gambling thing.
Sat night....I most definitely DID NOT forget to get our very dear friend a birthday gift, let alone a card. Nope, not me...how awful would that be.....
We celebrated our friend Stephen's 40th birthday sat nite. His wife threw him a great suprise party and had tons of great food. Once again, I DID NOT forget again to put batteries in my camera to take pics or eat enough Macaroni salad for a small country..no way not me!!!
After the family and grown-ups left we did not proceed to hit the local corner store and raid the Miller Lite. We also DID NOT stay out unitl 3am.
On, Sunday I DID NOT feel horrible all day and after cleaning the house DID NOT sit on the couch and watch 5 hours of golf with my husband....Go PHIL!!!!
So, here I am on NOT ME MONDAY and I am NOT super excited that I finally remembered to post a NOT ME MONDAY entry. I am also NOT a little depressed that my birthday is NOT tomorrow and I will NOT be 32. But, I am a little excited to go out to eat with my father in law and family tomorrow night and open presents if I get any..hee hee
Now, in all seriousness.....

My 10 year old step daughter DID NOT act like a complete B-R-A-T on Sunday at lunch. She not only DID NOT embrass me and her Dad but also DID NOT make me so angry.
I mean what is the deal with the attitudes kids have these days. When I was 10, if I even thought about talking the way that she does or making the faces she makes, or roll her eyes like she does, my mother would have....well honestly I dont know because I never thought about acting this way
We are sitting at a restaurant with Nanny and Pappy having a great time and we are letting both kids play with our phones....she is texting her mom...which is 100% okay. Justin justs simply looks over to see what she is texting and all hell broke loose...I mean who does she think she is...it is his phone and she is 10, so he tells her this nicely and explains that he can look at HIS phone anytime he wants...and she gets ugly with him, I mean really ugly, so he says hey dont be ugly and she procedds to make this awful face and roll her eyes...you know like it is the worst thing in the world becaue her father is talking to her...so I tell her that she is done with the phone and of course she starts crying and being even more of a brat.....BUT....the food comes and 5 minutes later she is fine...like nothing has happened......What do we have to do to her to make her be nice and respectful to us as parents....I mean I am honestly at a loss.
Now please understand, I am not throwing Vic under the bus...I am simply begging for some help with this. What do you do?? My mom would of slapped me across the face and probably at 31 still would.
oh and Riley...can I please be able to tell him 1 time to do something and he do it....rather than having to ask him 5 times and explaining to him why I am asking him to do so. AND, is the attitude a GIRL thing...I mean Riley is not saint but he does not give me attitude like Victoria.......oh God please give me strength, I am not ready for teenagers or PMS.
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