Today is my wonderful husband's 36th Birthday...ha ha....closer to 40 than 30 as of today. I had planned on posting a heartfelt post about how great he is and how much I love him but first of all, no one reads this and I have ran out of time!!!! So, here are a few things...
I do love him with all my heart and soul.
But, sometimes I want to knock him into next week.
We do have fun...let me tell you we know how to have fun!
But, man we do know how to argue and be ugly to each other...usually for stupid reasons.
He is a great father and step father.
But, we do disagree about alot of things that pertain to our kids and I know that as they get older we will probably disgree more often.
He is a good worker and has done a wonderful job at his new job.
But, he works to much and brings it home with him...which I hate.
But, love the paychecks!!!!
I cannot imagne my life without his stubborn rear end and never want to.
Someone very close to me is having alot of relationship problems and will more than likely end in divorce. I hate it for her and never want to think about the D word...we may kill each other but I love him!!!!!
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