So, I lost 1 pound this week..woo hoo...I guess!!! Actually I am okay with that because once again I drank enough for a small country this weekend and had 3 dr peppers...dang Superbowl.
I will just keep on doing what I am doing, walking at lunch and going to the gym when I can this week. My goal is again to loose 2 pounds so I think I will take a break this weekend on the Ultra consumption.
This week's lesson was to put yourself on your priority list. So many of us have a list of priorities and we all forget about taking care of ourselves. This is sadly true in my household. I am so worried about the husband and kids I don't really think about me a lot and what I NEED...I am always thinking about what I want but never what I really need to be healthy. So this week I will try and think about ME and MY HEALTH. With everything that is going on with Riley right now this will be hard...but I will try!!!
Oh and I personally thought Dear John sucked. Excuse my language....suck is the new bad word in our house lately......I was very disappointed. I only cried once and I think they left some of the important things in the book....Oh well I am now 0-2 for my movie now Justin will get to pick the next 2....GREAT!!!!!
I ate way too much during superbowl too! At least you still lost though. I think putting yourself is so hard for mom's, but it really is necessary. I heard you got a new hair do, where's the pics????