Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
27 DAYS until ECLIPSE!!!! I have had tickets for about 3 weeks now.
33 DAYS until Rockport. Our yearly family vacation. Every year we get more excited to go...but this year will probably be bitter sweet. It will more than likely be my Granny and Grandads last year to go come with us. This will be our 4th year and we are hoping to not stress to much about our schedule and what we eat for dinner.
74 DAYS until school starts. Riley's last day was last Friday and today was VIc's. I cannot believe that I will have a 4th and 5th grader....Lord help me!
188 DAYS until my sister's 30th birthday and our Vegas Trip.....wooooohoooooo!!! My parents go every year and finally this year we had some extra money and decided to bite the bullet and go.
Now to loose about 20 pounds before we go!!!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friends, Golf, and ALOT of SUN!!!

Kenya and I sat at Hole 7 for 4 hours taking money for mulligans and giving each team a little bit of advice for the 144 yard Par 3! Thank goodness the cart girl came by VERY often and we had numerous shuttles to the bathroom...even if one of the shuttles was from a guy that was not even in our group and I did not realize it until we got back....oops!!!!

*Me, Stephen(K's husband) Kenya and Justin(my husband)...note sure why we were set up the way we were...kind of funny though
After several hours and many golfers later...the team that we had waited on all day arrived...woo hoo our HOT HUSBANDS!!!
*Note: Justin and Stephen play golf alot and yes I have seen Jusitn hit golf balls numerous times but I have never got to witness first hand my future PGA member in action.
Kenya and I laughed because we were like giddy little teenagers waiting to see our guys tee off!

Monday, April 12, 2010
A long NOT ME MONDAY!!!!!

The last couple of days have been crazy busy. Thursday, we went to dinner for Justin's birthday and I DID NOT forget to put batteries in my camera to take pics.
On Friday, I DID NOT throw the kids outside so that I could have a little peace and quiet to get organized for our crazy Saturday.
On Sat, we most definitely DID NOT take the kids to the horse races and let them bet on every race. We DID NOT have the most fun that the 4 of us have had in a very long time. No arguing or whining or bad attitudes. We DID NOT start our kids, especially Riley, early on the whole gambling thing.
Sat night....I most definitely DID NOT forget to get our very dear friend a birthday gift, let alone a card. Nope, not me...how awful would that be.....
We celebrated our friend Stephen's 40th birthday sat nite. His wife threw him a great suprise party and had tons of great food. Once again, I DID NOT forget again to put batteries in my camera to take pics or eat enough Macaroni salad for a small country..no way not me!!!
After the family and grown-ups left we did not proceed to hit the local corner store and raid the Miller Lite. We also DID NOT stay out unitl 3am.
On, Sunday I DID NOT feel horrible all day and after cleaning the house DID NOT sit on the couch and watch 5 hours of golf with my husband....Go PHIL!!!!
So, here I am on NOT ME MONDAY and I am NOT super excited that I finally remembered to post a NOT ME MONDAY entry. I am also NOT a little depressed that my birthday is NOT tomorrow and I will NOT be 32. But, I am a little excited to go out to eat with my father in law and family tomorrow night and open presents if I get any..hee hee
Now, in all seriousness.....

My 10 year old step daughter DID NOT act like a complete B-R-A-T on Sunday at lunch. She not only DID NOT embrass me and her Dad but also DID NOT make me so angry.
I mean what is the deal with the attitudes kids have these days. When I was 10, if I even thought about talking the way that she does or making the faces she makes, or roll her eyes like she does, my mother would have....well honestly I dont know because I never thought about acting this way
We are sitting at a restaurant with Nanny and Pappy having a great time and we are letting both kids play with our phones....she is texting her mom...which is 100% okay. Justin justs simply looks over to see what she is texting and all hell broke loose...I mean who does she think she is...it is his phone and she is 10, so he tells her this nicely and explains that he can look at HIS phone anytime he wants...and she gets ugly with him, I mean really ugly, so he says hey dont be ugly and she procedds to make this awful face and roll her eyes...you know like it is the worst thing in the world becaue her father is talking to her...so I tell her that she is done with the phone and of course she starts crying and being even more of a brat.....BUT....the food comes and 5 minutes later she is fine...like nothing has happened......What do we have to do to her to make her be nice and respectful to us as parents....I mean I am honestly at a loss.
Now please understand, I am not throwing Vic under the bus...I am simply begging for some help with this. What do you do?? My mom would of slapped me across the face and probably at 31 still would.
oh and Riley...can I please be able to tell him 1 time to do something and he do it....rather than having to ask him 5 times and explaining to him why I am asking him to do so. AND, is the attitude a GIRL thing...I mean Riley is not saint but he does not give me attitude like Victoria.......oh God please give me strength, I am not ready for teenagers or PMS.
Friday, April 9, 2010
I am almost 32 and....
I want my kids to go to sleep sooo bad. I am so tired and want nothing more than to go to sleep right now.
My dog is curled up next to me asleep...well he was until I started typing.
I am so old....what am I going to do when my kids are old enough and out on a Friday night...am I going to be able to wait up for them????
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Happy Birthday Justin!!!
Today is my wonderful husband's 36th Birthday...ha ha....closer to 40 than 30 as of today. I had planned on posting a heartfelt post about how great he is and how much I love him but first of all, no one reads this and I have ran out of time!!!! So, here are a few things...
I do love him with all my heart and soul.
But, sometimes I want to knock him into next week.
We do have fun...let me tell you we know how to have fun!
But, man we do know how to argue and be ugly to each other...usually for stupid reasons.
He is a great father and step father.
But, we do disagree about alot of things that pertain to our kids and I know that as they get older we will probably disgree more often.
He is a good worker and has done a wonderful job at his new job.
But, he works to much and brings it home with him...which I hate.
But, love the paychecks!!!!
I cannot imagne my life without his stubborn rear end and never want to.
Someone very close to me is having alot of relationship problems and will more than likely end in divorce. I hate it for her and never want to think about the D word...we may kill each other but I love him!!!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A long Not Me Monday!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
My kids came home from Disney World on Sat and I did not want to run up to them and hug and kiss them like I have not seem them in years...nope, not me!!!!
I also did not secretly love that is snowed on Sat, the first day of Spring, and def did not take pics...nope, note me
I did not go out Tuesday while my kiddos were gone and party like I was 21 with all my high school girls...nope, not me!
I also did not feel like death warmed over on Wednesday...nope, not me.
I do not miss my friend Kelli so much that I want to hug her and cry and tell her how I much I miss her....no way not me!!!
I did not secretly look at this picture and want to google aneroxia so that I could find out how to become one...I have not gone into deep depression this week because I am so fat and I did not drink and eat horribly all weekend...not me.
I also did not get my haircut 3 times this week and finally get the perfect cut at Ogle for $9.....not me...dont tell my husband!!!!
I am also NOT super excited for my step daughters mom to find out if she is having a boy or a girl on Wed...nope not me...why I should care....
Happy Not Me Monday!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Kid-Free Week
My very first Not Me! Monday!!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Nope, not me, I did not drink enough yesterday for a small country.
Nope, not me, I did not spend waaay to much money on the kids this weekend for their trip to Disney!
Nope, not me, I do not secretly miss my kids like crazy and cannot wait until Sat at 7:50pm
Nope, not me, I am not so thankful for the relationship that me and my step daughters mom have and hope that one day I can have the same friendly relationship with Riley's soon to be stepmom.
Nope, not me, I am not super excited about Tuesday, going to see Deryl Dodd with a bunch of the girls.
Nope, not me, I do not love my husband like crazy and I dont know what I do without him...not me!!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I laughed out loud!!!!
Judy and Ted got married and had 13 children.
Then Ted died of Heart Disease.
She married again, and she & Bob had 7 more children.
Bob was killed in a car accident, 12 years later.
She & John had 5 more children.
He thanked the Lord for this very loving woman and said,
"Lord, they are finally together."
"Margaret, do you think he means her 1st, 2nd, or 3rd husband?"
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Weekend!!!

Pretty good!!! I thought it was a little expensive but Justin loved it...I think only because they have chocolate shakes.....GOOFBALL!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A funny for you today!!!!
educated and happy.
Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Riley's 9th Birthday
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Because I am still trying to figure this thing out, my post is going to be backwards. I uploaded all my pics in order but forgot that the last pic is actually the first...unless I am doing something wrong. So, I finally got home from work. Honestly, the roads were not bad except the 2 f of snow all along the roads. The roads are so nasty and dirty. But, the snow is absolutely beautiful. I do not remember the last time it snowed like this. It always seems that when IT DOES snow that Riley is never with me. So, once again I am home without the kids so I thought I would take Rodie outside to play. Not only did he hate the snow, but he hated me taking pics and I am the worst photographer in the world anyways!
So, because of our huge tree in the front yard it looks as if it barely snowed but on the side of the yards..well you can see how much snow we got!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Brief History in Pictures!
It all started out with these 2 spoiled brats! This is the earliest picture that I had on my computer at work. Justin and I started dating when Riley was 2 and Victoria was 3. The first double date we went on was to the movies and I cannot think to save my life what movie it was. But, I do remember having fun and having our pictures made in the photo booth that draws your picture. I am sure that we also had Vic's Dolly and Riley's nawnee. Those days we went nowhere without those two things. Wow, have things changed. I remember thinking how hard it was to be a parent to a 2 year old.....Man, was I wrong!!!
Then, we met. I think not only to us but everyone else our relationship was a shocker. Who knew that we would literally fall in love at first sight. Well, we already knew of each other but were not exactly friends or acquaintances. This time was different. We needed each other for all the crazy and wrong reasons so after a year or so we decided to get married.
I love this picture of us. It has always been one of my favs. I sure wish that I could wear that skirt now!!! Justin and I had the greatest time in LV. We had nothing planned except to have FUN!! We ended up getting very lucky and got to see Faith Hill, Pat Green and Cross Canadian Ragweed in concert. It was the greatest week ever. Two things that Justin and I do best is to argue and have fun together!!!!!
I deleted half the pictures as I was writing this....sorry still new to this blogging thing!!!!!