Thursday, December 8, 2011

Merry Christams 2011

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 2

Well I think I gained 1/2 pound back this week. This week sucked. I ate bad and drank a little every night. I only worked out 3 days and ran the Turkey Trot Thursday. The weekend was horrible. I was so caught up in shopping and putting Christmas stuff up that I never made time to work out. I am full of excuses but rather than dwell on them I am starting over this week.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 1

I lost 1.5lbs. I am wore out. No energy, sore all over, BUT loving it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Onto a new chapter in the Search for the Skinny girl somewhere deep down inside of me....

I am currently on Day 3 which thankfully is my Rest Day, so far I am loving Turbofire and loving the shakes. I am starting at 195lbs. My goal is to lose 40lbs, and atleast 6inces off my waist. We will see!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


One of the blogs that I love is, she has been posting these random posts about things she wants, so I thought I would do the same.
This car..

This body...

and oh how I want this house..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Dude

I dont feel good today. I have cried three times this morning over stuff that gives me no reason to cry. I am not sure what my deal is. I woke up fine and was only 6 minutes late to work, which is normal. I sat at my desk and as the day progressed my mood just went into the toilet.

I have alot of excuses of why I feel this way, but honestly none of them really matter.

As I sit and dwell over things that I cannot change I find this picture I took this weekend and it actually brings a smile to my face!

So, this brings me to this litte dude....

Oh how I love him but oh how he is such a pain in my ass...but everyone that I love is a pain in my ass so he fits right in!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Why do I have to share every little detail about my son to his other half? (Me being the other other half)

Why do I have to discuss every decision that I want to make with him?

Why do I always do what he wants and not what I want...and what the doctor feels is right...and the teachers...and everyone else in my son's life?

Why dont I stand up for myself and make the decision according to what I feel is right?

Why am I the only one that is responsible for my son?

Why are people so blind to see what is right?

Why is being a MOM so hard?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday Riley

I cannot believe that this precious baby boy is now 10 years old. He has brought me so much joy and so much STRESS in the last 10 yrs. I love him more than words can say and cannot imagine my life with out him. Happy Birthday Dude!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Victoria!!!

I cannot believe that my step-daughter Victoria is 11 today. Lord, please start giving me strength, patience and wisdom for the teenage years that are creeping up on me!